
Water is one of the precious resources whose scarcity is getting global attention. Environmental challenges arising from elevated humidity, heightened salinity and extreme levels of pollution and dust have driven global interest in finding innovative ways to find efficient water usage. Scientists are drawing attention towards disappearing glaciers that are contributing to abrupt climate changes and global warming.

Optimizing water usage and being transparent with the shortage of water data is the need of modern times. Particularly for water stress areas, investing in critical water restoration practices is incumbent to survival.

Kaktus – Your Water Sustainability Partner

Kaktus devises innovative ways for implementing efficient water conservation techniques. We deliver a procedural guide along with trainings to our clients towards sustainable water services. We strongly believe that explicitly incorporating strategies and pathways into decision making will help minimizing the global water challenge.

Kaktus team of experts will analyze the gaps in your goals and strategies. We devise strategic principals along with our clients starting from their mission and core values to application level. This helps the water sustainability practices to be applied into proper decision making.

Effective planning

Planning at each stage

Water sustainability measures are not a onetime event rather a complete process. Kaktus is your ultimate strategic planner partner. We helps you follow and track every stage to demonstrate sustainable improvements.

Strong Collaboration

Kaktus form strong collaborations with organizations and digital companies. Our partnership design is self-supporting to promote the growth of sustainable practices.

Core of environmental conservation

The greatest harm to our delicate environment is getting at the hands of human beings. Sustainable water practices serve as the core for environmental conservation.

Special plans for Data Centers – Advance evaporative cooling

Kaktus has devised special plans for water conservation practices in data centers. Data centers have an imminent need to cool their servers and maintain certain humidity levels for efficient working. We have some smart cooling designs that employ minimal water usage by mostly relying on outside air.

We have advance evaporative cooling techniques for places that are already facing shortage of water. This techniques uses cold water as a primary component to lower the temperature in data centers.

Investing in water restoration projects

Kaktus is collaborating with organization in an effort to boost water restoration with emphasis on water stressed areas. Restoration is an imminent step in our overall water sustainability strategy.

Water efficiency in workplaces

In collaboration with our clients we install water efficient systems in their offices, bathrooms, and kitchens to re-use water as much as possible.

Committed to water conservation through efficient sustainability practices.